Can I Get a Concealed Carry Permit Online?

Given modern conveniences, some may wonder if getting a concealed carry permit online is a possibility. It actually is…sort of. It depends on what state you’re getting a license in or from if you’re obtaining a non-resident permit. It also depends on what one means that by “online.” You’ll definitely purchase a gun belt with a steel insert completely online, but applying for a CPL online will require some offline actions first.

Restrictions to Getting A CPL Online

Just to get this out of the way, this is not legal advice about getting your CPL – but rather just for the purposes of discussion. If you need legal advice, talk to a lawyer that’s licensed to practice in your state, or in the state that you’re looking to get a license from. Now that we have that out of the way, back to how to get a CPL online. It depends on what that you mean by “online.” As an example, can one simply get at the net and practice for/be issued a CPL? The answer is not really. Any concealed pistol license has a certain wait period involved.

Applying online probably won’t affect the wait time much. The most effective manner to get a permit issued faster calls for courtroom hearings in states that permit for that. Also – and here’s the kicker – getting a CPL in any state involves meeting certain requirements…like a training course. You also have to get fingerprinted, neither of which can be done online because it requires at least one other human to complete, i.e. a trainer and a person to take your fingerprints. This is all provided, of course, the state you’re trying to get a license from accepts online applications, because not all of them do.

Benefits for Getting a Concealed Carry License Online?

concealed carry class online


Why would a person get a concealed carry license online if they can? Partially it’s due to the convenience factor. Not everyone has time during office hours or could even get time during office hours and get to the police station. Some people live some distance away from the local police or sheriff’s station, making getting there impractical. Other people are looking to get a non-resident license for greater reciprocity.

That actually is not a foul idea; since the laws relating to hid carry reciprocity take issue between the states, not every state honors every other state’s license. Some state licenses, even the non-resident ones, have much more widespread reciprocity, so some people will obtain one to augment their resident license. In any case, make sure to do your homework before applying.

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